August 2020 Volume 2
FIA Upcoming Events
Forging Die Life Improvement Workshop August 20, 2020, Cleveland, Ohio
A ug 20 2020
The FIA Die Life Improvement Workshop is designed for attendees to learn multiple facets of extending the life of dies. Failure in forging dies can often be traced to die material, heat treatment, die geometry, lubrication and forging conditions. Since the forging conditions change from application to application, no universal solution to die failure exists. This workshop will examine topics such as die materials, advanced lubrication technology, inspection practices, surface coating techniques, die design and the economic justification of tool steel investment.
Management Development Institute (MDI) Session 1: October 4-6, 2020, Cleveland, Ohio Session 2: November 15-17, 2020, Cleveland, Ohio Session 3: January 10-12, 2021, Cleveland, Ohio
O ct 4-6 2020
The Management Development Institute (MDI) has been specifically developed to provide middle managers with the skills they need to take their careers to the next level. This program consists of three sessions during which attendees learn through lectures, case studies, roundtable discussions, expert panels and guest speakers. MDI Topics Include: • Objective setting, delegation and time management • Business law – contracts, terms and conditions • Effective business communication • Managing and developing human resources
• Planning strategy and business models • Industrial markets, marketing and sales
• Financial management and non-routine decision making • Negotiations when developing and managing the supply chain • Professional development and networking in the forging industry
FIAMarketingWorkshop October 21-22, 2020, Cleveland, Ohio
O ct 21-22 2020
This 2-day program provides attendees with sales and marketing strategies to help promote and grow their businesses. Expert speakers will provide overviews of the automotive, aerospace, energy and construction markets. We encourage sales executives, sales managers, marketing executives and marketing managers to attend. (Sales reps may attend at the member rate when accompanied by an FIA member principal.)
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