August 2020 Volume 2
2.4.2 RCF Cooling Schedules In the recrystallization controlled forging process, the cooling schedule is comprised of some form of controlled cooling from the final forging pass to a predetermined water end temperature (WET), followed by a hold of variable time at this WET, and concluding with an air cool to room temperature (ACRT). Figure 39 contains several temperature paths, which show the various possible cooling schedules which the steel might assume upon completion of the second forging pass. At several places in the literature a schedule such as this is present in the RCR process. In the defining article concerning the RCR process, the authors state that a core basis of the RCR process is the utilization of accelerated cooling to an intermediate temperature, followed by ACRT. [17] In another article, Chen et al. [18] subjected the steels of the experiment to the cooling schedule shown in Figure 40. As can be seen, the steels underwent accelerated cooling to the intermediate temperature of 400°C and were then allowed to ACRT. In a collaborative article from DeArdo and Zheng, [23] multiple RCR cooling schedules were investigated, including ACRT, cooling at 6.7°C/s to 550°C followed by ACRT, and finally cooling at 8.7°C/s to 594°C followed by ACRT. Within this work, it was found that good combinations of strength and toughness were attainable using the proposed RCR processing and cooling schedules. various possible cooling schedules which the steel might assume upon completion of the second forging pa s. At several places in the literature a schedule such as thi is present in the RCR process. In the defining article concerning the RCR process, the authors state that a core basis of the RCR process is the utilization of accelerated cooling to an intermediate temperature, followed by ACRT. [17] In another article, Chen et al. [18] subjected the steels of the experiment to the cooling schedule shown in Figure 40. As can be seen, the steels underwent accelerated cooling to the intermediate t mperature of 400 ° C and were then allowed to ACRT. In a collaborativ article from D Ardo and Zheng, [23] multiple RCR cooling schedules were investigated, including ACRT, cooling at 6.7 ° C/s to 550 ° C followed by ACRT, and finally cooling at 8.7 ° C/s to 594 ° C followed by ACRT. Within this work, it was found that good combinations of strength and toughness were attainable using the proposed RCR processing and cooling schedules.
Table 4: Microstructure and hardness changes due to cooling rate [67] Table 4: Microstructure and hardness changes due to cooling rate [67]
Table 4: Microstructure and hardness changes due to cooling rate [67]
Intheliterature,severalauthorshavenotedincreasesinstrengthwhen the cooling rate of the steel is increased. Apart from the differences in phases in the microstructure, this change can be attributed to either refinements in the microstructure due to domination of nucleation events over growth events during transformations or through limiting growth of the austenitic microstructure during high temperature processing. Figure 37 [18] shows an example from the literature of the limitation of austenitic microstructure or grain size due to an increase in the high temperature cooling rate. In the literature, several authors have noted increases in strength when the cooling rate of the steel is increased. Apart from the differences in phases in the microstructure, this chang can be attributed to eit er refinements in the microstructure due to domination of nucleation events over growth events during transformations or through limiting growth of the austenitic microstructure during high temperature processing. Figure 37 [18] shows an example from the literature of the limitation of austenitic microstructure or grain size due to an increase in the high temperature cooling rate. In the literature, several authors have noted increases in strength when the cooling rate of th steel is i creased. Apart from th differen es in phases in the microstructure, this change can be attributed to either refinements in the microstructure due to domination of nucleation events over growth events during transformations or through limiting growth of the austenitic microstructure during high temperature processing. Figure 37 [18] shows an example from the literatur of th limitation of austenitic microstr cture or grain size due to an increase in the high temperature cooling rate.
Figure 37: Effect of high temperature cooling rate onaustenitic grain size [18] In this diagram, the temperature upon the curve represents the deformation temperature, and the microstructure is seen to be refined through increasing the cooling rate, although this effect is seen to diminish at higher cooling rates. In reality, Figure 37 shows how the diffusive growth of freshly recrystallized austenite grains can be reduced through increased cooling rates. The cooling rate during the transformation temperature regime also has a large influence on the final grain size and properties. Figure 38 [14] below shows the influence of increasing the cooling rate on several steels. As can be seen, an increase in the cooling rate brings about a significant reduction in the final ferrite grain size, as well as an increase in the strength of the steel. 51 Figure 37: E fect of high temperature cooli g rate o austenitic grain size [18] 51 Figure 37: Effect of high temperature cooling rate onaustenitic grain size [18] In this diagram, the t mperature upon the curve represents the deformatio temperature, and the microstructure is seen to be refined through increasing the cooling rate, although this effect is seen to diminish at higher cooling rates. In reality, Figure 37 shows how the diffusive growth of freshly recrystallized austenite rains can be re u ed through increased cooling rates. The cooling rate during the transformation temperature regime also has a large influence on the final grain size and properties. Figure 38 [14] below shows the influence of increasing the cooling rate on several steels. As can be seen, an increase in the cooling rate brings about a significant reduction in the final ferrite grain size, as well as an increase in the strength of the steel.
Figure 39: Possible temperature paths during cooling to achieve different strength levels. For example, the lengthy hold at 620°C is expected to result in F-P microstructures, the shorter hold at 550°C in F-B microstructures and the very short hold at 450°C in F-Mmicrostructures. Figure 39: Possible temperature paths during cooling to achieve different strength levels. For example, the lengthy hold at 620 ° C is expected to result in F-P microstructures, the shorter hold at 550 ° C in F-B microstructures and the very short hold at 450 ° C in F-M microstructures.
Figure 40: Temperature path utilized in the RCR process [18] Figure 4 erature path utilized in the RC process [18]
Figure 38: Effect of low-temperature cooling rate on final properties [14] Figure 38: Effect of low-temperature cooling rate on final properties [14]
FIA MAGAZINE | AUGUST 2020 81 Of additional importance to the processing of the pieces forged using the RCF process is the variation of cooling throughout the portions of the part, as variations in the microstructure may arise because of these cooling discrepancies. One such example of these differences is provided
2.4.2 RCF Cooling Schedules
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