August 2022 Volume 4
table. By fostering collaboration between generations, we create a space where we can learn from one another and use what we learn to create the best company culture we can. The idea of what a company’s culture and values should be is also changing. The general trend is most easily seen in how people view the professional world. People are moving away from the structured and competitive side of professionalism, and instead toward a more flexible and interconnected one. New prospects are looking for companies with ethical leadership, inclusivity, and care for the well being of those who work there. In business terms, incoming young professionals are looking for environmental, social, and governance criteria, or ESG. This is not a new concept in the professional world, but the importance people now place on it is changing (7). To create an environment in which the younger generations can work it is important to be transparent, especially in ESG criteria. Fives North American Combustion does this almost automatically. They are a smaller company, which makes it easy to communicate with the entire workplace. They also place importance on the environmental impact of the products they create, not only because of the financial impact, but because it’s one of their values. I’mhappy to work with a company with these strong values and appreciate the communication the company has with its employees. Even as someone who has just joined, I am included in all news as it’s released.
on Fire, acts to bring the women of the company together to share ideas and discuss upcoming events. Recently, we had the division president join us and learn about our group and what it is we do. Being a part of this group makes me feel supported and encouraged by the success of other women in the company. There are other events that help promote relationships within the whole company, one of my favorites being our Lunch-n-Learns. Every so often we have someone talk about something they’re knowledgeable in, giving other people a chance to see what it is they work on, and allowing for open discussion on the topic. This allows everyone to be involved with all aspects of the company and promotes a feeling of togetherness. I’ve learned so much just from these short presentations from my coworkers. Lastly, and probably the most fun, is the Corporate Challenge, in which companies from all over Cleveland sign up to be a part of friendly competition in games such as softball, mini golf, and bowling. Each team needs an equal number of men and women, encouraging diversity and equality in those who work for the company. These events allow for networking with other companies, as well as good team building within our own. This year, I participated in mini golf and had a lot of fun spending time with my coworkers and meeting people from other local companies.These events help strengthen company values and make Fives an appealing place to work. Nine years ago there was only one woman with an engineering degree employed at Fives. Now there are four, along with a successful co-op program, and women work in each of our departments and in manufacturing processes. In my short time here I have seen four engineering co-ops who were women out of the five positions available at the time. The value Fives places on diversity is a big reason this increase is possible, but perhaps more importantly is how the company approaches mentorship and advocacy. The co-op program is designed to give real working experience to those still studying for their degrees. It helps a student know what the industry is like and helps in deciding where it is they want to end up after their education. This program would not be possible without the managers acting as good mentors to these young professionals. I have been lucky enough to find a company that already had a mentorship program in place, and people willing to fill that role. My acting manager for my time at Fives has helped teach me new skills, as well as how to implement ones I already have. He has pushed me to be more independent in my work and acts as a great source of information and advice. Furthermore, my manager acts as an advocate in the workplace. He makes sure others know that I am a resource that can be used and ensures that I’m not overlooked or overburdened with work. In any context where there is a minority of people, advocates can greatly benefit by using their voices to help uplift those without one. In manufacturing industries, which have historically been a strongly male-dominated field, it is important to have men willing to speak for and listen to the women also involved. Fives does a great job in supporting the women they employ, making sure they feel comfortable and confident in their positions. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work in the industry and for such a wonderful mentor to help me along my way.
Figure 2: Co-Ops and employees playing put-put at Cleveland Corporate Challenge The most important part of promoting diversity is communication. It is important to make sure voices are heard, especially those who are a minority in the group. This benefits both those just joining the industry and its long-term members. Promoting communication fosters collaboration and teamwork, while allowing new ideas to spread and help change companies for the better. This leads to a well-rounded workforce allowing for multidimensional interests and ultimately, a more positive company culture(8). Fives has several events that promote networking, professional development, and work relations at the company. A new group, known as Women
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