August 2022 Volume 4


As many of you know, the forging industry is at a crucial crossroads in the United States. With the White House’s next steps in flux regarding the Section 301 tariffs combined with a labor shortage, forging manufacturers are suffering across the nation. We have developed a two-step strategy to understand the challenges you all face daily combat them in Congress. First, it is of utmost importance to have additional members join the FIA Public Policy Committee in order to provide insight and knowledge on the issues of concern. Second, there is a crucial need to obtain contributions for the Forging Political Action Committee, as this is a key way to have our industry’s voice represented on Capitol Hill. All of this is only possible with your help! By joining the Public Policy Committee, you will be surrounded by the best and the brightest in the forging industry who aim to promote FIA’s advocacy objective. Members guide FIA and our Lobby Firm on areas of concern and identify crucial priorities. Additional voices will diversify and expand our grasp of policy challenges faced. Please consider coming aboard the committee and elevating forging industry awareness on Capitol Hill. FIA strives to help our members remain competitive through our advocacy efforts in Washington, which are dedicated to ensuring that policymakers understand forging and the issues plaguing our industry. That effort has been successful in the past, but it is limited to educating elected officials after they have been elected. The Forging Political Action Committee will help us build relationships and get candidates elected and/or keep lawmakers in office who resonate with the forging industry. Many ask how we gauge the success of the PAC. While there are no quantitative, tangible results, we do see more fruitful relationships withmembers of Congress. For example, better access to stakeholder meetings and industry consideration. The Forging PAC is the leading and proven way to promote our industry. FIAWashington Update By Megha Patel

You might be wondering how your contribution will be utilized. In order to ensure funds are being spent wisely, we plan to conduct candidate interviews to see if the individual supports the forging industry. This process begins by sending the candidate a questionnaire with preliminary questions to gauge awareness and support of forging manufacturers. If they indicate support or would like to be educated more to take a stance, we will invite them to the interview process. The PAC Steering Committee will determine if the candidate is worthy of receiving funds based on the candidate’s willingness to work with the FIA, building a relationship with us, giving us a seat at the table, and more. Rest assured the money will not be allocated without a thorough vetting process. FIA Fall Meeting of Members – Washington, D.C. Themed We are excited to announce the program for our annual Fall Meeting and first-ever PAC reception! This year the event will be hosted inWashington, D.C. and will be all things political. FIA has secured exceptional speakers, like Christopher Lowman, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment, Department of Defense and Admiral James Stavridis and Adele Ratcliff, Director, Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) Program. The ForgingPAC reception will allowmembers the opportunity to cruise the Potomac River and sightsee the monuments all while supporting the forging industry. This is an event you won’t want to miss and hope to see you all there! Click here to register. All things considered, please engage with our advocacy efforts and bring the forging industry to the forefront of policymakers. Every voice counts!

FIA Fall Meeting of Members October 24-26, 2022 Hyatt RegencyWashington on Capitol Hill Monday, October 24, 2022

7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

FIA Board Breakfast (Board Members Only) FIA Board Meeting (Board Members Only) Joint Board Lunch (Board Members Only) FIERF Board Meeting (Board Members Only)


8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Grand Teton

1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.




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