February 2020 Volume 2
References 1. K.D. Clarke & C.J. Van Tyne, “Lubrication and Wear in Forging”, ASM Handbook, Vol 18, Friction, Lubrication, andWear Technology, 2017, 798-807 2. Forging Industry Technology Roadmap, 2016 Revision, April 30, 2016, Pub: Forging Industry Education and Research Foundation 3. Vision of the Future, www.forging.org/producers-and suppliers/technology/vision-ofthe-future 4. Bo Wang, “An Investigation of the Adhesion Behavior of Aluminum on Various PVD Coatings Applied to H13 Tool Steel to Minimize or Eliminate Lubrication during High Pressure Die Casting”, Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, August 2016 5. Stephen Midson, Andy Korenyi-Both & Kester Clarke, “LubriciousThin-FilmCoatings for Forging Applications:
A Literature Review”, Report produced for FIERF, December 22, 2017 6. George E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1976, p. 539-549. 7. R. Kohser, PhDDissertation, Lehigh University, 1975. 8. S. Goodchild, “Forging Lubricants, Graphite or Synthetics?”, Forge Magazine, August 7, 2015. Accessed October 19, 2019 online: https://www.forgemag.com/ articles/84386-forging-die-lubricants-graphite-or synthetics 9. A.T. Male & M.G. Cockcroft, “A Method for the Determination of the Coefficient of Friction of Metals under Conditions of Bulk Plastic Deformation”, J. Inst. Metals, 93, 1964-65, 38 ■
Appendix 1: Details of Coatings
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