February 2023 Volume 5


FIERF Donor Spotlight: Weber Metals

Foundation for 15 years. Over that time, Weber Metals has funded FIERF’s educational programs, the Charles W. Finkl Scholarship, the Forging Industry Women’s Scholarship, and new this year, the Al Undery’s Engineering, Metallurgical & Material Sciences Memorial Scholarship. Outside of company contributions, many individuals at Weber Metals have personally donated to the Foundation, helping support FIERF programming for students. Jim Kravec, VP of Sales & Customer Relations at Weber Metals, an FIA Board Director, a Forging Foundation Board Trustee, and FIERF contributor says, “It is important for Weber Metals to support the future generations of forging talent and ensure this industry continues to grow well into the future.” Thank youWeberMetals, JimKravec, and all of the generousWeber Metal employees that have supported the Forging Foundation throughout the years. Consider a gift of support of your own. Contact Amanda Dureiko at amanda@forging.org if you are interested in inspiring the next generation of forgers!

The Forging Industry Educational &Research Foundation (FIERF) would like to recognize one of our Gold Anvil Society Donors, Weber Metals, Inc. Weber Metals, located in Paramount, CA, is part of the OTTO FUCHS Group and is a forger of lightweight metals for the aerospace industry. Weber Metals was established in the 1940s and began as a scrap metal business. A few years into the business, Mr. Weber had the idea of expanding his business and started using his equipment to offer forging services. Since then, Weber Metals has grown the West Coast aerospace industry and is one of the premier aerospace companies serving the global market. Weber is also known for having a 60k ton forging press, the largest forging press in the Western Hemisphere! Weber Metals has been an active member of the Forging Industry Association since 1979 and has been contributing to the Forging

NEW! It's now quick and easy to donate to the Forging Foundation. Just go to www.fierf.org and click on the " Donate " tab.

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