May 2024 Volume 6


President's Note

The team is fresh off the Annual Meeting in beautiful Colorado Springs, and if you weren’t there you missed a dandy event! Despite a little cold and snow, members enjoyed a phenomenal resort experience and fun activities at the Broad moor – a resort FIA hasn’t visited in over three

We now have all these worthy individuals recognized and promi nently featured in our common area of our FIA offices in Indepen dence, OH. Makes me smile when I walk by! Congratulations to Rick Creed and John Walters. Both gentlemen made great speeches in what was a wonderful evening and celebration.

decades. My friend Joe Cipriani of Keystone Forging had it right: “Jim – you and the members won’t be disappointed going to the Broadmoor.” Thank you for the advice, Joe – our team and members loved the experience. Content was awesome – company even better! We had great attendance, with nearly 100 executives and 50 spouses/ guests joining us for the event. Thanks to all who came. The FIERF silent auction again was an outstanding success, raising nearly 30K and the ForgingPAC Raffle raised nearly 10K. Thank you to all who supported! In February, the FIA and FIERF boards adopted our third stra tegic plan update in the last six years. With great support from both boards, staff has motored through our previous strategic goals. During board meetings three times a year we review the plan's KPIs. One goal has a nice tie-in with one of my now favorite aspects of the Annual Meeting – the recognition of our Lifetime Achievement Winners. Recognizing and honoring those who have given so much to the industry, and now making sure we do not only honor them but capture their knowledge and pass it on, so our industry continues to thrive. Using our Forging University learning management system (LMS) tools, the boards have challenged us to document the knowledge of all the great men and women who have served in the industry. Please take this as a call to action: send us your thoughts on your own experts who can give back their knowledge and talents to future forgers. Forging University is now the largest repository of forging focused online learning courses in the world . With our Lifetime Achievement Awards program, we have now recognized nine worthy individuals since the program began in 2021: 2021: Willard Walker, Sr., Walker Forge and Al Underys, Finkl Steel 2022: Pete Georgeson, Scot Forge; Robert Barensfeld, Ellwood Group; David Moxlow, Trenton Forging 2023: Sharon Haverstock, Scot Forge and Don Jones, Forge Resources Group 2024: Rick Creed, Weber Metals and John Walters, Scientific Forming Technologies

FIA Momentum Toward Unfair Trade Case Picking Up Steam During my update to the membership at the Annual Meeting, I shared that progress is moving along for an action that would address dumped forgings into North America from various countries in Asia and Europe. We are nowhere near done with the work, and do require more financial survey participation from members, especially those making closed-die forgings for the heavy truck, agriculture/ mining and automotive markets. All members are welcome to join the next Public Policy Committee Meeting on May 16th, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. (Eastern) to hear a detailed report from our trade attorney firm Cassidy Levy Kent. Please contact me directly if you would like to join this Public Policy Committee Meeting, or if you would like to request a separate meeting with the FIA trade attorneys. As always it is an honor to lead the FIA Team and thank you all for the kind comments on what a great staff we have. James R. Warren

President and CEO Forging Industry Association

PUBLISHER James R. Warren MANAGING EDITOR Angela Gibian Editorial Staff

Board of Directors

Antonio Alvarez Robert Brodhead Mark Derry Robert Dimitrieff

Chelsea Lantto Ernie Lauber Jose Lozano Mike Morgus Matt Natale

ASSOCIATE EDITOR Amanda Dureiko DESIGN Lorean Crowder


Bret Halley Jeff Krueger


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