May 2024 Volume 6


FIA Government Affairs Update FIA Staff Report

2024 has been flying by! FIA has had a very busy, yet exciting few months. From securing congressional funding to directing our atten tion towards next year's objectives, there hasn't been a dull moment here. These efforts are the culmination of years of dedication from our members and staff, and we're thrilled to see our initiatives ensuring a strong and competitive domestic forging industry. We are excited to announce that FIA has been appropriated five million dollars from Congress for fiscal year 2024! Our original funding request was included in the Senate spending bill back in July of 2023. However, it took a few continuing resolutions before the full final spending package was passed by both chambers and signed by President Biden on March 23, 2024. These funds have been allocated to FIA to enhance and innovate the domestic forging industry through various R&D projects. In collaboration with the Army Research Lab (ARL), FIA has identified three critical areas for project funding: robotics and automation solutions, simulation tools for materials characterization, and diversification of material sources. These efforts will support the warfighter through the part nership between the Army Research Lab (ARL) and FIA. “FIA is very excited to promote the domestic forging industry and expand our support of the Department of Defense. This historic investment will help accelerate the rate our industry can provide forg ings for critical applications to ensure defense readiness and national security,” stated FIA President & CEO, James R. Warren. The 2022 Executive Order on Securing Defense-Critical Supply Chains highlighted forgings as one of the four focus areas due to its significant importance to national security. The report stated, “Many of these parts are high importance/low-volume and minimal demand items that support critical go-to-war weapon systems and platforms that affect military readiness.” The appropriated funds will enable FIA to address and fulfill the objectives outlined in the report. In light of this appropriation, FIA announced a formal request for white papers in collaboration with the ARL. The ARL will consider member and non-member white paper submissions for funding. The primary aim of this initiative is to maximize the likelihood of project results transitioning to implementation within the industry. ARL prefers projects led by forging industry companies, specifically producers or suppliers. While other organizations may support the project, ARL emphasizes the importance of the forging industry leading the projects. White paper selection is subject to the submis sions received and the criteria outlined on FIA’s website at www. The association, in partnership with the ARL, has assembled two committees, the Defense Executive Committee (DEC) and the Defense Technical Committee (DTC), to help with the selection process. The DTC, which consists of a diverse group of member companies and ARL representatives, will grade and recommend submissions for approval. After the DTC

completes its portion, the DEC, made up of ARL officials, FIA Chairperson and FIERF Chairperson, will review all submissions and select projects for funding. The ARL will have final approval of the projects selected to ensure fairness and competency based on the Department of Defense’s needs. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Dekland Barnum, FIA Senior Technical Manager, at dekland@ with any questions related to this white paper submis sion process and collaboration with ARL. FIA, with the support of the SMI government relations firm, is actively pursuing $10 million in congressional funding through the Metal Forging Innovation Initiative for fiscal year 2025. This initia tive aims to further our efforts in innovation and modernization through R&D projects focusing on digital manufacturing and die manufacture/repair prototyping. Over the last couple of months, members and FIA staff engaged with just under 20 congressional offices to convey the significance of these R&D projects and the significant impact they will have on the domestic industry. FIA will find out sometime this summer whether our request was incorpo rated into the Senate, House or both bills. There are already talks of the spending package being delayed again this year so it is too early to predict when the final bill will clear Congress and go to the Presi dent’s desk. FIA will keep members updated as information becomes available throughout the year. As we continue through 2024, FIA remains committed to building upon the momentum generated by this historic congressional invest ment and continuing to work on fiscal year 2025 funding. Thank you to all our members whose support has been instrumental in these efforts. None of this would be possible without your dedica tion and collaboration!



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