May 2024 Volume 6


Member Spotlight: Rose Metal Industries By Bob Rose

“It’s about time that we finally joined FIA!” says Bob Rose, third generation president of Rose Metal Industries, also known as Rose Iron Works (RMI/RIW). “We have been an active, family owned and run forge shop for over 120 years, but tend to maintain some what of a ‘best kept secret’ posture. It took prompting by Jim Warren and Bud Kinney to share the story here.” The Beginning

Martin Rose, founder, walked past a blacksmith shop each day on his way to “grade school” in Csepe, Hungary and fell in love with red hot metal. Self-driven to become a blacksmith, his training progressed through the traditional Euro pean path of apprentice, journeyman to opening his own shop as a master craftsman, licensed to work for royalty. As he became increasingly successful, his shop was taxed at a similarly increasing rate. Frustrated, he packed up his wife, first son, $200 and a box of tools and boarded the SS Pennsylvania for America in 1903.

He followed a trail of family members to Cleveland, Ohio, a fortu nate choice due to the rapidly growing number of wealthy indus trialist giants who sought high quality metalwork to enhance the numerous mansions being built. Martin established Rose Iron Works in 1904, just as Cleveland was booming.


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