May 2024 Volume 6


The Rose team is also proud to be involved in giving back to the community and the industry by participating as a FIERF Forging Competition industry partner and assisting students to produce items for such projects. This year’s team from Cleveland State University (CSU) enjoyed meeting with Rose engineering staff and craftsmen. The CSU student team was supported by the Rose Iron works forge masters including design consultation, material selection, forging practice and training regarding their specialized manufacturing methods. The results of this partnership and collaboration proved to be a success, with the winning forging for the 2024 FIERF Forging Competition being created by CSU and the smiths in our shop.

Rose staff, in conjunction with Cleveland State University engi neering and biomedical faculty, are also currently working on the development of vibration resistant tongs and hand tools for the forging industry. Potential partners are welcome to join in on this project, which is so important to our collective members. Housed in its original facility, the office and shop serve as a mini museum. The walls showcase more than 2,000 examples of decora tive metalwork created over the past century. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

Bob Rose Rose Metal Industries, LLC. Phone: 216-881-3355 Email:

Pictured above are the 2024 team and their flat die forged Halligan bar.


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