November 2020 Volume 2


Induction Power Supply and SystemMaintenance.............................................................................................................. 58 Joe Stambaugh, Ajax Tocco Magnethermic Corp. Experience With Industry 4.0 at Equipment in Open/Closed Die Forging Shops, Heat Treatment, and Visions in Automation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 64 Rainer Dango, DANGO & DIENENTHAL Group Case Study: Simulation of the Induction Quenching Process......................................................................................... 70 Nicolas Poulain, Transvalor Americas Corp. Porosity and A-Segregation Prediction in Hollow Ingots for Large Forgings ........................................................... 72 Ovidiu Bogdan, Industrial Soft A Comparison Study of the Austenite Grain Growth and its Transformation Behavior During Uniform Continuous Cooling of a Wrought and Selective Laser Melting 4340 Steels........................................................... 82 Yuankang Wang, Pedro de Souza Ciacco, Raymundo Ordonez and C. Isaac Garcia Increasing Forging Die, Tool Life, Increasing Yield, and Preventing Rejections Using Japanese Cold Welding and Other Proven Protective Coatings..................................................................................................................102 S.P. Shenoy and Srikar P.Shenoy, Steel Plant Specialties LLP New Design Solutions of Four-Die Forging Devices (FDFDs) and Their Technological Capabilities............ 110 Dr. Viktor Lazorkin, Dmitry Lazorkin, Roman Onischenko, and Sergey Kuralekh, Lazorkin-Engineering LLC Working With the Right Energy.................................................................................................................................................... 118 Carlo Maffei, Ficep S.p.A. MEMBERS SPEAK Members Speak. ................................................................................................................................................................................120 Raymundo Ordonez Olivares

Forging Research and Technology Issue

OfficialPublicationofthe Forging IndustryAssociation

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FIA Magazine (ISSN 2643-1262 (online)) is published 4 times annually, May, August, November and February by the Forging Industry Association, 1111 Superior Ave., Suite 615, Cleveland, OH 44114. Telephone: (216) 781-6260, Fax: (216) 781-0102. Digital version distributed at no charge to qualified individuals. Subscription requests available at Copyright © 2020 by the Forging Industry Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations or for any statement made or opinion expressed herein. Data and information presented by the authors of specific articles are for informational purposes only and are not intended for use without independent, substantiating investigation on the part of potential users.

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