November 2020 Volume 2


4. Technological Capabilities of FDFD A variety of forging technologies is always vaster than a variety of design types of forging presses because the technologies depend on a big number of different parameters. One and the same forging press is usually used for processing a large number of different grades of steels and alloys from the ingots with different dimensions, weights, and forms in order to obtain forgings, which also differ from each other in weight, dimensions, and forms. The main task for our company lies in creating the most optimal and efficient variants of such technological schemes by using our new design solutions for FDFD. Herewith, the main criteria of

efficiency are usually established by the customer. This can be either a productivity of a process, a metal yield, metal quality, or any other parameter, or several parameters simultaneously. Using Type 1 FDFDs , very good results are achieved by applying the forging scheme with metal displacement between the dies (see Figure 8).This technology not only achieves high producibility of the process and high metal quality by means of intensive deformational treatment of a workpiece, but also obtains the forgings in a vast dimensional range using one set of the dies. For example, using one set of the dies, it is possible to produce forgings with a diameter of 200-250 mm from ingots with a diameter up to 1000 mm.

Figure 8: Forging schedule for Type 1 FDFD with metal displacement between the dies.

Herewith, owing to the application of techniques, which are developed by our company based on calculated deformational modes, there are no surface tears or cracks not only during forging of medium alloyed but also during forging of high alloyed steels and alloys. The maximum effect for the productivity of the process and for the quality of deformational treatment of a metal is achieved during forging of the workpieces with a square cross-section [2]. When swaging an ingot with a square cross-section along its ribs, an intensive movement of the metal occurs from the surface zones of an ingot towards its core zone and a displacement of the metal in the direction of longitudinal axis. This process ensures the intensive closure of pores and cracks in a cast metal and the crushing of coarse

dendrites and carbides, removes an eliquation of non-metallic inclusions, and assists in obtaining a fine-grain structure of a metal in a forging. Our company has developed for Type 2 FDFDs a technological process to produce forgings with round and square cross-sections from ingots with rectangular cross-sections. During the first stage of this technological process, an ingot or a workpiece is forged in FDFD using two dies along the narrower sides in order to obtain a workpiece with a square cross-section. Then, in the same FDFD, this workpiece is forged using four dies along its four ribs (see Figure 9).


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