November 2020 Volume 2
Figure 3 shows how several different kinds of defects are easily identified in a QForm simulation. The blue color shows die contact and the red dots show laps (surface to surface contact). Lap identification in QForm shows where the lap occurs as well as the
depth and shape of the lap. If a lap begins to form, the program will not stop, it will proceed to the end of the forging chain so you can see the location and depth of the lap in the final product.
Figure 3: Red dots indicate lap areas. Red color of Gartfield indicates flow-through defects and suck-in defects (with permission of DMM Birinci Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş. ). Figure 3: Red dots ndicate lap areas. Red color of Gartfield indicates flow-through defects and suck-in defects (with permission of DMM Birinci Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş. ). Figure 3: Red dots indicate lap areas. Red color of Gartfield indicates flow-through defects and suck-in defects (with permis of DMM Birinci Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş. ). Figure 3: Red dots indicate lap areas. Red color of Gartfield indicates flow-through defects and suck-in defects (with permission of DMM Birinci Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş.).
Figure 4: Cross section indicates depth of Gartfield zone (with permission of DMM Birinci Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş.) . Figure 4: Cross section indicates depth of Gartfield zone (with permission of DMM Birinci Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş.) . The color spectrum on Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 show a field called Gartfield. It is a specialized method developed by the QForm engineers to detect the probability of flow-through defects and suck-in defects. Until the development of this field, these sorts of defects have been difficult to spot in a simulation, but Gartfield immediately shows the likelihood of these defects on the surface of the forging. Gartfield identifies problematic areas on the surface of the forging. The zone of flow-through defects in this aluminum forging in Figure 5 are immediately visible: Figure 4: Cross section indicates depth of Gartfield zone (with permission of DMMBirinci Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş.). The color spectrum on Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 show a field called Gartfield. It is a specialized method developed by the QForm engineers to detect the probability of flow-through defects and suck-in defects. Until the development of this field, these sorts of defects have been difficult to spot in a simulation, but Gartfield immediately shows the l k lihood of hes defects on the surface of the forging. Gartfield identifies problematic areas on the surface of the forging. The zone of flow-through defects in this aluminum forging in Figure 5 are immediately visible:
Figure 4: Cross section indicates depth of Gartfield zone (with permission of DMM Birinci Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş.) .
The color spectrum on Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 show a field called Gartfield. It is a specialized method developed by the QForm engineers to detect the probability of flow-through defects a suck-in defects. Until the development of this field, these sorts of defects have been difficult spot in a simulation, but Gartfield immediately shows the likelihood of these defects on the surface of the forging. Gartfield identifies problematic areas on the surface of the forging. The zone of flow-through defects in this aluminum forging in Figure 5 are immediately visible: shows the likelihood of these defects on the surface o the forg ng. Gartfield id tifies problematic areas on the surface of the forging. The zone f flow-through defects in this aluminum forging in Figur 5 are immed ately visibl :
The color spectrum on Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 show a field called Gartfield. It is a specialized method developed by th QForm engineers to detect the probability of flow-through defects and suck in defects. Until the development of this field, these sorts of defects have been difficult to spot in a simulation, but Gartfield immediately
Figure 5: Gartfield shows exact location of defect (with permission of DMM, Llanberis Wales, UK). Figure 5: Gartfield shows exact location of defect (with permission of DMM, Llanberis Wales, UK). Figure 5: Gartfield shows exact location of defect (with permission of DMM, Llanberis Wales, UK).
Figure 5: Gartfield shows exact location of defect (with permission of DMM, Llanberis Wales, UK).
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