November 2020 Volume 2
Experience with Industry 4.0 at Equipment in Open/Closed Die Forging Shops, Heat Treatment, and Visions in Automation Author: Rainer Dango, President & CEO DANGO & DIENENTHAL Group FORGING RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY
smelters throughout the world. Obviously, the benefit of this development within the group is promising for other mobile equipment, such as transport manipulators in forging plants.
Experience With Industry 4.0 at Equipment in Open/Closed Die Forging Shops, Heat Treatment, and Visions in Automation By Rainer Dango, DANGO & DIENENTHAL Group, Siegen, Germany Abstract Data Logging for the Future 2.1 Reasons, Idea, and Targets 2.2 Results, Analysis, and Conclusions Automated Guided Vehicles—AGVs 3.1 AGVs at Aluminum Smelters 3.2 Outlook in Forging Industry Ring Cutting in slices is one of the topics the company DANGO & DIENENTHAL in Siegen, Germany, developed in cooperation with a special machine tool manufacturer. This machining center is capable of machining and slicing rolled rings, including an automated ultrasonic testing of the ring as an option. 2 Data Logging for the Future 2.1 Reasons, Idea, and Target
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4. 5.
Outline 1. Abstract 2. Data Logging for the Future 2.1 Reasons, Idea, and Targets R g Cutting Machine Conclusion
is capable of machining and slicing rolled rings, including an automated ultrasonic testing of the ring as an option. The design, manufacture, and commissioning of the best manipulators in the marketplace is not the limit! The best, in terms of speed, accur cy, an m intenance friendly design, is possible due to more than eight decades of experience, with all challenges successfully managed by a team of experts. As far as the very best mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic designs are concerned, the limits are visible. 2 Data Logging for the Future 2.1 Reasons, Idea, and Target The design, manufacture, and commissioning of the best manipulators in the marketplace is not the limit! The best, in terms of speed, accuracy, and maintenance-friendly design, is possible due to more than eight decades of experience, with all challenges successfully managed by a team of experts. As far as the very best mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic designs are concerned, the limits are visible.
FIA MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER 2020 64 Dutch company HENCON, a rather new member of the DANGO & DIENENTHAL Group, has developed such machinery for material transportation in some Aluminum 2.2 Results, Analysis, and Conclusions 3. Automated Guided Vehicles—AGVs 1 Abstract It is obvious that industrial plants and engineering of special machines as well as the design of commodities have a new focus today, since the opportunities the Internet offers along with cloud and server-based applications are continuously growing. DANGO & DIENENTHAL has implemented options in this r spect in order to support predictive maintenance and plant operation with machine data and its analysis vi telemetric services. Within a conservative environment like an open die forging plant, it could be successfully demon tra ed how a lot of operational data could be captured a d, after analyzing this data wit data specialists, corr l tions could be found and threshold values defined systematically, according to analysis. A diffe ent but ost inter sting top c wi hin the field of Industry 4.0 is the autonomous movement of special machinery in a plant. The 3.1 AGVs at Aluminum Smelters 3.2 Outlook in Forging Industry 4. Ring Cutting Machine 5. Conclusion 1 Abstract
It is obvious that industrial plants and engineering of special machines as well as the design of commodities have a new focus today, since the opportunities the Internet offers along with cloud and server-based applications are continuously growing. DANGO & DIENENTHAL has implemented options in this respect in order to support predictive maintenance and plant operation with machine data and its analysis via telemetric services. Within a conservative environment like an open die forging plant, it could be successfully demonstrated how a lot of operational data could be captured and, after analyzing this data with data specialists, correlations could be found and threshold values defined systematically, according to analysis. A different but most interesting topic within the field of Industry 4.0 is the autonomous movement of special machinery in a plant. The Dutch company HENCON, a rather new member of the DANGO & DIENENTHAL Group, has developed such machinery for material transportation in some Aluminum smelters throughout the world. Obviously, the benefit of this development within the group is promising for other mobile equipment, such as transport manipulators in forging plants. Ring Cutting in slices is one of the topics the company DANGO & DIENENTHAL in Siegen, Germany, developed in cooperation with a special machine tool manufacturer. This machining center
Figure 1: Parts deliver data for the right service. What is next? What if the machine could “talk” to the owner and to the OEM? Both would “listen,” and each one would have a slightly different focus during the “conversation.” What if this could be not only a “talk” or “vision,” but a reality? Based on preliminary discussions already held, the research & development process started in August 2018 with participants from a forging shop, a mathematical institute, and specialists of DANGO & DIENENTHAL. The participants took advantage of the opportunity to present projects that had already taken place (e.g., in the automotive sector). With the help of data collection and the analysis of certain machine parameters, predictions could be made with the help of algorithms (e.g., on the wear status of certain components, in order to ensure machine availability, increase quality, and replace wear parts according to requirements (see Figure 1). Figure 1: Parts deliver data for the right service. What is next? W at if the machine could “talk” to the owner and to the OEM? Both would “listen,” and each one would have a slightly different focus during the “conversation.” What if this could be not only a “talk” or “vision,” but a reality? Based on preliminary discussions already held, the research & development process started in August 2018 with participants from a forging shop, a mathematical institute, and specialists of DANGO & DIENENTHAL. The participants took advantage of the opportunity to present
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