November 2020 Volume 2
FIA MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER 2020 67 4 Ring Cutting Machine with Options DANGO & DIENENTHAL with an industrial partner has totally reconceived the process of separating ring sleeves into individual rings: The new ring-cutting machine (Figure 10) no longer uses the time-consuming grooving process, but time-saving sawing. This saves between 60 and 90% of working time— 4 Ring CuttingMachine with Options DANGO&DIENENTHAL with an industrial partner has totally reconceived the process of separating ring sleeves into individual rings: The new ring-cutting machine (Figure 10) no longer uses the time-consuming grooving process, but time-saving sawing. This saves between 60 and 90% of working time—depending on the material—and achieves significantly better surface quality, reduces reworking to practically zero, and boosts the efficiency of material use markedly. 4.1 Less Non-productive Times Upgraded to a machining center, the ring cutting machine provides a whole lot of additional benefits: fitted with specific attachments— and without having to reclamp the work piece—it performs many functions that used to be performed in separate steps on different machine tools. Thus, nonproductive times are significantly reduced. Instead of a turning tool holder, the carriage-mounted tool unit can accommodate an ultrasonic testing probe as well as drilling and milling heads. With these attachments, the sleeve can firstly be finish-turned, followed by ultrasonic testing of the individual ring segments. This assures that whenever a portion of a sleeve does not meet the required specifications, this will be identified at a very early stage, and the corresponding material can be stopped from being further processed. 4.2More Efficient Material Use Compared to grooving, ring sawing saves between 30 and 50% of material.Thanks to the extremely precise operating saw and the thin blade, machining allowances can be dramatically reduced. Figure 9: Feasibility Study—Battery-driven MTM. Page 5 of 8 Page 5 of idea of battery driven mobile transport and handling equipment in a forge shop (Figure 9). Also based on this knowledge, automated guided vehicles in a forging shop will be available sometime in future. Figu e 8: Black Telemetric Box installed at MTM. At heat treatment plants, there are automated guided vehicles in operation carrying ingots from furnace to the automated handling equipment by DANGO & DIENENTHAL. This shows that such automation is also possible in harsh environments like a forge and heat treatment shop. DANGO & DIENENTHAL does a lot in the field of Research & Development for customer requirements and will also pursue the idea of battery driven mobile transport and handling equipment in a forge shop (Figure 9). Also based on this knowledge, automated guided vehicles in a forging shop will be available sometime in future. DANGO & DIENENTHAL does a lot in the field of Research & Development for customer requirements and will also pursue the idea of battery driven mobile transport and handling equipment in a forge shop (Figure 9). Also based on this knowledge, automated guided vehicles in forging shop will be available sometime in future. Figure 9: Feasibility Study—Battery-driven MTM. 4 Rin Cutting Machine with Options DANGO & DIENENTHAL with an industrial partner has totally reconceived the process of separating ring sleeves into individual rings: The new ring-cutting machine (Figure 10) no longer uses the time-consuming grooving process, but time-saving sawing. This saves between 60 and 90% of working ti e— depending on the material—and achieves significantly better surface quality, reduces reworking to practically zero, and boosts the efficiency of material use markedly. treatment shop. DANGO & DIENENTHAL does a l t in the field of Research & Dev lopment fo cust mer requirements and will lso pur ue the idea of battery driv n mobile transport and handling equipment in a forge shop (Figure 9). Also based on this knowledge, automated guided vehicles in a forging s p will be vailable sometime in future. Figure 9: Feasibility Study—Battery-driven MTM. 4 Ring Cutting Machine with Options DANGO & DIENENTHAL with an industrial partner has tot ly reconceived the process of separating ring sleeves into individual rings: The new ring-cutti machine (Figure 10) no longer uses the time-consuming groovi process, but time-sav ng sawing. This saves bet een 60 and 9 % of wor ing time— depe ding o he material— nd chieves significantly better surface quality, reduces reworking to practically zero, and boosts the efficiency of material use markedly. FORGING RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Figure 9: Feasibility Study—Battery-driven MTM.
Figure 7: Dashboard for a Mobile Manipulator. Figure 7: Dashboard for a Mobile Manipulator. Moreover, mobile machinery has been equipped with telemetric units (Figure 8) collecting machine ata nd sending it to storage, which ensures access by the forging shop personnel as well as the OEM. Both check on the machine in concern under a differe t focus and with different intentions in general. Germany, Italy, U.S.A., and India. The main functions like travel (forward/backward) and tongs rotating can be operated by the press operator once the workpiece has been rough forged and plashing takes place. This ensures a reproducible forging process controlled semi automatically by one operator only. Mor over, mobile machin ry has been equipp d with telemetric units (Figure 8) collectin mac ine data and sending it to storage, which e sures acces y the forging shop personnel as well as the OEM. Both check on the machine in concern under a different focus and with different intentions in general. 3.2 Outlook in Forging Industry Mobile Forging Manipulators have been successfully integrated with presses in Germany, Italy, U.S.A., and India. The main functions like travel (forward/backward) and tongs rotating can be operated by the press operator once the workpiece has been rough forged and plashing takes place. This ensures a reproducible forging process controlled semi-automatically by one operator only. Moreover, mobile machinery has been equipped with telemetric units (Figure 8) collecting machine data and sending it to storage, which ensures access by the forging shop personnel as well as the OEM. Both check on the machine in concern under a different focus and with different intentions in general. 3.2 Outlook in Forging Industry Mobile Forging Manipulators have been successfully integrated with presses in Germany, Italy, U.S.A., and India. The main functions like travel (forward/backward) and tongs rotating can be operated by the press operator o ce the workpiece has be n rough forged and plashing takes place. This ensures a reproducible forging process controlled semi automatically by one operator only. Moreover, mobile machinery has been equipped with telemetric units (Figure 8) collecting machine data and sending it to storage, which ensures access by the forging shop personnel as well as the OEM. Both check on the machine in concern under a different focus and with different intentions in general. 3.2 Outlook in Forging Industry Mobile Forging Manipulators have been successfully integrated with presses in Germany, Italy, U.S.A., and India. The main functions like travel (forward/backward) and tongs rotating can be operated by the press operator once the workpiece has been rough forged and plashing takes place. This ensures a reproducible forging process controlled semi automatically by one operator only. 3.2 Outlook in Forging Industry Mobile Forging Manipulators have been successfully integrated with presses in Figure 7: Dashboard for a Mobile Manipulator.
Figure 8: Black Telemetric Box installed at MTM. At heat treatment plants, there are automated guided vehicles in operation carrying ingots from furnace to the automated handling equipment by DANGO & DIENENTHAL. This shows that such automation is also possible in harsh environments like a forge and heat treatment shop. DANGO & DIENENTHAL does a lot in the field of Research & Development for customer requirements and will also pursue the Date 3 rd July 2020 Author: Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Dango, DANGO & DIENENTHAL Group Author: Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Dango, DANGO & DIENENTHAL Group Date 3 rd July 2020
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