November 2023 Volume 5
FIA Upcoming Events
Webinar: Additive Manufacturing 101 for Forge Tooling December 6, 2023 –Virtual
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Additive Manufacturing (AM) or Direct Manufacturing, popularly known as 3D Printing, has become the leading-edge manufacturing technology in the last decade. The potential for metal AM has led to heightened interest in services of the Department of Defense (DOD). Most U.S. casting foundries use AM technology to manufacture complex casting molds and even cast parts. Forgings, on the other hand, cannot be replaced by metal AM because the forgings must meet superior mechanical properties, functional criticality, and favorable production volumes. However, the AM technology can be utilized to manufacture forge tooling to reduce lead time and life cycle cost in manufacturing forged products. This virtual seminar will discuss the pros and cons of metal AM and provide attendees with knowledge and expertise for utilizing metal AM to manufacture Forge Tooling. 2024 Midwest Meeting of Members January 23, 2024 – Schaumburg, IL Join your forging industry peers for the FIA Midwest Meeting of Members taking place at AMADA America Inc. This event will provide a great opportunity for you to network and get an update on what’s happening in the industry, while also enjoying lunch and touring the AMADA showroom. Fundamentals of Forging 101 Workshop January 24, 2024 – Chicago, IL FIA is excited to welcome back W.L. Bud Kinney to instruct the Fundamentals of Forging 101 Workshop following the FIA Midwest Meeting of Members. This workshop will teach the fundamentals of the forging process in language that attendees can understand, regardless of their experience level. As technology advances, it is becoming more important for buyers and forging professionals to understand the science behind the forging process and how it compares to other processes such as casting, weldments, or machining from bar. The workshop will also cover how forgings are made, and how quality is added through each step of the forging process. Lobby Day 2024 February 6-7, 2024 – Washington, D.C. Make plans to join your forging peers at FIA’s Annual Lobby Day on February 6-7, 2024. Lobby Day provides an opportunity for you to discuss key industry issues that directly impact your business with your congressional leaders in Washington, D.C. Key topics for discussion include fair trade, workforce development and infrastructure. With an upcoming election on the horizon, it is even more important to remind lawmakers
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of the key issues that impact the forging industry. Open Die & Rolled Ring Conference February 26-28, 2024 – Houston, TX
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The new FIA Open Die & Rolled Ring Conference will be hosted February 26-28, 2024 in Houston, Texas. This dual-track conference will include basics training, a networking reception and happy hour, table top exhibits and plant tours of Ameriforge Group and Forge USA. The call for papers for this event is now open.
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