August 2019 Volume 1
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The company manufactures low-medium carbon steel bolts with forging equipment operated with upsetters and sells those bolts to customers in the off-highway and agriculture markets. They offer not only headed bolt type products, but also custom forged products for other uses. Domestic Bolt is uniquely positioned to provide solutions to customers that some larger operations may struggle with. Because of their efficiency they can turn projects around faster and with less red tape than larger forging operations.
Domestic Bolt Founded in 2017, Domestic Bolt is a privately held custom shop working on niche projects. Domestic Bolt is a premier source for commercial grade fasteners, nuts, bolts, screws, and hardware. Collectively their team averages over 30 years of experience and set a high standard for quality, value-added services, and superior customer service. From their two warehouses in Ohio and Alabama, they are poised to serve any of your hardware needs for manufacturing and assembly.
Domestic Bolt P.O. Box 6570 Toledo, OH 43612 P: 419-476-5992 Fax: 419-476-0144
Froehlich North America 43677 Utica Road Sterling Heights, MI 48314 P: 586-991-2456 Fax: 586-991-2457
Froehlich North America LLC Located in Sterling Heights, MI, Froehlich North America, LLC is the exclusive North American source for Froehlich vibratory feeding equipment and service. Specific products and services provided to forging producers are billet feeding and vibratory equipment. Froehlich can design the exact feeding system you need to improve throughput and profit.
• Construction &Heavy Equipment • Machine Builder • Defense • and others
GPMI continues to expand capabilities for producing a comprehensive array of tooling in support of forge industry partners. Deep forge tooling experience allows knowledgeable consulting and collaboration in areas of die material selection, die tolerancing, heat treating, coatings, and tool design/FEA. GPMI contributes on projects with an eye toward delivering value to our customers in many areas, including die durability, manufacturing efficiency, lead time and technically sound advice. Full turnkey support is offered, as GPMI is one of the few die makers with in-house heat treatment capability (currently undergoing expansion), as well as available stocking programs for reducing cost
Gemini PrecisionMachining Inc. GPMI is the precision machining division of the Gemini Group. Forge tooling represents one of the key product segments for GPMI, with premium quality forge tooling supplied to the industry for over 25 years. GPMI supports a wide-range of industry segments with precision machined components, including: • Automotive • Energy
FIA MAGAZINE | August 2019 35
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