August 2022 Volume 4


5. Gerass, G. (2017, February 2). Understanding Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z in Manufacturing . Official Apple Rubber Blog. https:// gen-z-in-manufacturing/#:%7E:text=Understanding%20 Gen%20X%2C%20Gen%20Y%20and%20Gen%20 Z,may%20have%20fresh%2018-year-olds%20working%20 alongside%20seasoned%2070-year-olds. 6. Kasasa. (2021, June 7). Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, and Gen A explained . generations/gen-x-gen-y-gen-z#:%7E:text=Generational%20 cohor t s%20a re%20def ined%20%28loosely%29%20 by%20birth%20year%2C,of%20a%20stage%20in%20 life%2C%20not%20a%20generation. 7. O’Boyle, B. E. (2022, March 1). 4Things Gen Z andMillennials Expect From Their Workplace . Gallup.Com. https://www. gal l lennials expect-workplace.aspx#:%7E:text=4%20Things%20Gen%20 Z%20and%20Millennials%20Expect%20From,who%20 suppor t%20a%20d i ver s e%20and%20i nc lu s i ve%20 workplace.%20. 8. Reddy, K. (2020, January 13). Top 12 Advantages Women bring to the Workplace . Wisestep. https://content. wi se s age s -women-br ing-to-t he - workplace/#:%7E:text=1.%20Flexibility%20at%20the%20 workplace%3A%20Increased%20number%20of,helping%20 workers%20balance%20professional%20and%20family%20 life%20etc. Dresden Moss Engineering Co-Op

Figure 3: Celebrating women at Fives on International Women’s Day Having more inclusivity in manufacturing makes the workplace better. Diversity encourages a stronger team that is able to share new ideas and support each other to promote a positive company culture. In this transitional period for the workforce, it is important to recognize the differences in the generations and use them as a strength. Young professionals inGen-Zmight learn or communicate in different ways than other generations, but we are all working towards the same goals. Industry is always changing, especially in manufacturing, and it is important to change right along with it. Just during the past decade, big changes have occurred in the number of women entering STEM programs and the industry at large. Even with these changes, we are excited to see the numbers increase even more thanks to the positive changes and inclusivity seen in manufacturing. Sources: 1. US Census Bureau. (2021, October 8). Women in Manufacturing .TheUnitedStatesCensus Bureau. https://www. women-manufacturing.html. 2. Glass Magazine. (2021, March 29). By the Numbers: Women in Manufacturing . Glass Magazine. https:// manuf ac tur ing#:%7E: tex t=Women%20account%20 for%2029.5%20percent%20of%20manufacturing%20 indust r y,the%20fabr icated%20meta l s%20manufact uring%20segment%2C%20according%20to%20BLS. 3. Kantrowitz, M. (2022, April 14). Women Achieve Gains In STEM Fields . Forbes. markkantrowitz/2022/04/07/women-achieve-gains-in-stem fields/?sh=5327b6ed5ac5. 4. PCS Edventures. (2022, January 24). The Past, Present and Future of Women in STEM . stempower/the-past-present-and-future-of-women-in-stem.

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