May 2022 Volume 4
FIA Upcoming Events
Forging Die Life Improvement Workshop May 11-12, 2022 – Cleveland, Ohio
M ay 11-12 2022
Taking place at Case Western Reserve University, a FIERF Magnet School, this two-day workshop is designed for attendees to learn multiple facets of extending the life of dies. Presentations and panel sessions will examine topics such as die materials, lubrication technology, surface coating techniques, die design and the economic justification of tool steel investment. Instructors for the workshop include representatives from Superior Die Set Corporation, Finkl Steel, Kind Special Alloys US, Weld Mold, Eureka Welding Alloys, Cor-Met-Inc, Case Western Reserve University, Forge Technology, Inc., AML Industries, Prolong Surface Technologies, and Ellwood Specialty Steel.
Upsetter ForgingWorkshop &Plant Tour May 16-17, 2022 – Cleveland, Ohio
M ay 16-17 2022
This 2-day workshop is designed to cover a wide range of topics related to Upsetter Forging, including: How an upsetter works; Overview of brands and styles; Forging die design; Set-up and troubleshooting maintenance and repairs; Modernizing options; and more. Subject matter experts include representatives from companies such as Campbell Press Repair, Finkl Steel, AML Industries, Wodin, Inc., Scientific Forming Technologies Corp., and Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic Corp. The program also includes a tour of Wodin, Inc. Wodin, Inc., an Ohio based Forge, is the leader in upset forgings supplying both gas and induction forgings across all industries including the military and aircraft industry.
Next GenWebinar: Scaling the Ranks in the Forging Industry May 23, 2022 – Virtual
M ay 23 2022
Join us virtually for the Next Gen Webinar: Scaling the Ranks in the Forging Industry on Monday, May 23, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. (EDT) via Zoom. Attendees will hear how the panelist grew in their careers, challenges they faced along the way and how they overcame those challenges. Panelists will also share tips and advice for those individuals that are looking to “scale the ranks in the forging industry”. If you have a specific question you would like answered, you can submit those when registering for the webinar. Panelists include Doug McIntyre, President of Weber Metals, KenMathas, President of Cornell Forge and Rick Recktenwald, President of Walker Forge.
International Forging Congress (IFC) 2022 June 11-13, 2022 – Chicago, Illinois
J une 11-13 2022
International Forging Congress (IFC) is a global event that brings together key players from the international forging community to exchange information and experiences. IFC features forging industry technical and business-oriented presentations. In addition, exhibitors display their forging-related products and services to IFC attendees. The IFC was founded in 1953 and is organized by national forging associations from all over the world. The IFC travels the globe and is hosted in a different country every three years. This year the 23rd International Forging Congress will be held in the United States for only the fourth-time, last being hosted by FIA in 2008. [See page 52 for more information]
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