May 2022 Volume 4
FIA Upcoming Events
Theory &Applications of Forging &Die Design July 18-21, 2022 – Cleveland, Ohio
J uly 18-21 2022
More than 2,500 forging professionals have attended the Theory & Applications of Forging & Die Design over the last 50+ years. The course is facilitated by a team of industry experts and engineering professors who work together to carefully explain the principles and practices of forging. Register your shop floor employees and technicians for this interactive, four-day training program today! Space is limited. Participants will visit Cleveland State University on Day 2 of the program and tour the Dan T. Moore MakerSpace. The Dan T. Moore MakerSpace is an innovation and design lab for the CSU community that provides hands on fabrication equipment for working with metal, wood and plastic.
Forging Foundation (FIERF) Golf Outing August 23, 2022 – Firestone Country Club - Akron, Ohio
A ug 23 2022
Join your forging industry colleagues on the golf course for the Annual FIA Forging Foundation (FIERF) Golf Outing. The FIA Forging Foundation funds industry-relevant research to advance the science of forging and engages students through curriculum, experiential learning, and scholarships to pursue careers in the forging supply chain. 100% of your golf registration fee will be donated to FIA's Forging Foundation (FIERF) to fund student scholarships and educational research projects. The outing will take place at Firestone Country Club South Course located in Akron, OH - 40 minutes south of downtown Cleveland. Firestone Country Club carries the presence of incredible golf history.
Forging Automation 101Workshop &Plant Tour August 24-25, 2022 – Cleveland, Ohio
A ug 24-25 2022
This program is specifically developed to give forgers a first-hand look into how robotics and automation can help forging companies increase productivity, lower costs and improve workplace safety. Topics will include programming robots, automation of induction heating systems, automation in gas fired heat treat and forging operations, the lean side of automation, benefits of automated material handling and more. Plant tours will also be scheduled during this program.
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